Investigation of frequency-dependent Dielectric properties for recycled local domestic hen eggshell powder, a prelude for eco-friendly medical application

Document Type : Original Article


Biophysics Department, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, Egypt


Biomaterials have received considerable attention in many medical applications; at both diagnostic and therapeutic levels. Hen eggs are one of the most daily consumed biomaterials. Millions of hen eggshells (ES) are produced annually. The use of these eco-friendly waste resources is highly attractive in a positive impact worldwide. Morphological and physical properties of ES have made them a good candidate for medical uses. However, to date, there are no sufficient studies on this topic. The dielectric constant ε′ (ω) and loss ε′′ (ω) are studied as a function of the temperature and frequency. Furthermore, the dielectric data is fitted and analyzed according to the Cole-Cole model.
