Production of functional macaroni products from soft wheat varieties of the Black Earth region based on aqueous garlic extract

Document Type : Original Article


1 Food Science Department. College of Agriculture, University of Misan. Misan, Iraq

2 Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “I.V. Michurin Federal Scientific Center”, Michurinsk, Russia

3 Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “I.V. Michurin Federal Scientific Center”, Michurinsk, Russia / Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Tambov State Technical University”, Russia

4 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Tambov State Technical University”, Russia

5 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Michurinsk State Agrarian University”, Russia

6 Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “I.V. Michurin Federal Scientific Center”, Michurinsk, Russia/ Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Tambov State Technical University”, Russia


Macaroni products with dietary and functional properties occupy no more than 1% of the market; therefore, this segment has excellent prospects for growth based on improved macaroni product technology, including modified drying and extraction techniques. Using aqueous garlic extract as a soft-wheat flour dough additive allows the product of macaroni nearly equal in quality to macaroni from hard wheat. Analysis of macaroni from soft wheat shows that aqueous garlic extract with the hydro-modulus 1:25 and 1:50 increases dry macaroni mechanical strength by 18.6-20.9%. The cooking properties of experimental macaroni samples are as follows: unessential increase in cooking time (no more than for 2 minutes); dry substance concentration in cooking medium has increased by 1.93-3.18% and product recovery rate has increased by no more than 10.4% in comparison with reference value. It should be mentioned that dry substance concentration in a cooking medium decreases with the increase of aqueous garlic extract concentration (with hydro-modulus 1:25). Application of aqueous garlic extract renovates the technology to produce macaroni from soft wheat and allows using functional ingredients as additional fortificants that raise the quality of ready products without affecting the gluten.
